BRAVO TV - Million Dollar Listing LA



Over the past year, I've had the opportunity to be filmed on multiple occasions by Bravo TV's Million Dollar Listings LA for its upcoming Season 12, airing June 2020. The show takes viewers inside the glamorous world of Los Angeles real estate. It chronicles the professional and personal lives of four real estate agents based in Beverly Hills, Hollywood, and Malibu, California.
The storyline that I'm featured in is about the creation of The Altman Brothers' new flagship retail office on Robertson Boulevard next to the Ivy. It starts with the scouting locations, securing a lease, and then preparing schematic design concepts and layouts. Then design presentations were then made in 3D animation for a photorealistic view. Then materials and tactile finishes were presented and supported by cost estimates and project schedule milestones. 3D animation is a critical management tool for client expectations, especially to ones that have sold over 3 billion dollars in real estate. The opening party was caulked full of paparazzi and celebrities alike. 

▪︎ PROJECT NAME: Bravo TV - Million Dollar Listing
▪︎ ARCHITECTS: The Libman Group, LLC
▪︎ LOCATION: Los Angeles, California
▪︎ AREA: Beverly Hills